Auroras Boreales en Islandia

Un viaje a Islandia para disfrutar sin prisas, con un guía experto en el país y alojándonos en las localizaciones ideales para realizar la observación de aurora



The famous Geysir hot spring is located in the Haukadalur valley in southwest Iceland.
Geysir is a stunning site located in a Nordic country known for its natural beauty. The site is famous for its geysers, which are hot springs that spew hot water and steam into the air. The most famous geyser of all, named Geysir, has been active for centuries and is a popular tourist attraction. In addition to the geysers, the area also boasts hot springs and natural pools, where visitors can relax and enjoy the tranquillity of nature. Geysir's history goes back hundreds of years, and it has been a place of interest ever since.