Auroras Boreales en Islandia

Un viaje a Islandia para disfrutar sin prisas, con un guía experto en el país y alojándonos en las localizaciones ideales para realizar la observación de aurora



Seljalandsfoss is one of the most visited waterfalls in Iceland, second only to Gullfoss. It is located along the Seljalandsá River, where the waterway plumm...
Seljalandsfoss is one of the most visited waterfalls in Iceland, second only to Gullfoss. It is located along the Seljalandsá River, where the waterway plummets 40 metres over a cliff. Seljalandsfoss is unique among the other waterfalls, as the shape of the cliff over which it falls allows visitors to walk behind the tail of the water, along a path at the base of the falls.